For maintrac® relevant information/brochures/sample sets:

Information leaflets for patients and doctors

Flyer General Explanation of Maintrac
Overview of the maintrac method and its possibilities

Flyer Gynecology
Specifically for the case of breast cancer all options that maintrac can offer.

Monitoring of Prostate Cancer Therapy
Importance of cell count progression during prostate cancer treatment

Flyer Monitoring of Anti-hormonal Therapy
Explanation of the necessary measurement intervals for controlling an anti-hormonal therapy

Flyer Decision aid for continuation of Anti-hormonal Therapy
This concerns whether hormonal therapy can be safely stopped or should be continued due to further tumor activity.

Flyer Decision aid Chemotherapy Monitoring Cancer Therapy in the Adjuvant Situation.
Explanation of the necessary measurement intervals during chemotherapy.

Flyer Monitoring of Therapeutic Measures
Information on long-term monitoring of cancer therapy, whether further, other and which interventions may be necessary.

Blood Collection Set and Transport Boxes

You can order the blood collection set here!

Content: (can vary depending country and legal requirements)

  • 2 x 7.5 ml EDTA blood collection tubes.
  • Laboratory order form
  • Information for the physician
  • Thermal container with 2 tube wells
  • Fleece paper 2x
  • Styrofoam protective cover
  • Shipping carton”